SCDA Charity Drive for

SCDA Charity Drive for 'Migrants We Care' Fund


May 31, 2020

Migrant workers in Singapore have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been a total of 32,104 migrant workers infected with COVID-19 (as reported by Ministry of Health on May 31, 2020), many of whom are currently in isolation and are at risk of losing their jobs, while carrying loans they had to incur to come to Singapore for work. In a hope to help ease this situation and encourage more to give generously, SCDA management and our colleagues raised a total of $22,260 towards the Migrants We Care Fund, by the Migrant Workers' Centre's (MWC) humanitarian charity, the Migrant Workers' Assistance Fund (MWAF).


To encourage more giving, SCDA matched every dollar pledged by staff towards this cause, which would help the migrant workers in various ways:


Ex-Gratia: In the unfortunate event that some migrant workers are displaceed, a token amount will be given to the afffected workers who are unable to recover their salary.

Food & Accommodation: Part of the fund will be used to provide affected migrant workers with food and accommodation.

Daily Necessities: To provide daily necessities like bathroom essentials and items to workers who are required to stay in.


We'd like to thank each and every one of our colleagues who pitched in to help make possible our common cause, that this might inspire us to care for others in times of need, and help us all stay strong during this difficult time.


The Migrants We Care Fund